Friday 14 November 2014

Update November 2014

The latest meeting took place on 6th November, after having to be postponed from the planned date of 3/11/14, and was attended by 11 committee members.  There were also 11 members of the public present.   A new vice chair was appointed and a 4th member from Pease Pottage was co-opted to the committee.  Due to one member having to step down, there is now one VACANCY for a member from HANDCROSS.

Work has actively been ongoing regarding the Scoping Report for the SustainabilityAppraisal, which will soon be passed to MSDC for their input. It was discussed, and is recognised, how important it is for the Parish to ‘push on’ with the process, in order to get our NH Plan ‘made’.  Without a NH Plan in place, there is very little defence against development in the Parish, as the recent Pease Pottage Golf Range appeal has shown – the appeal has been allowed and now 95 houses are due to be built on that site.

To register for news emails regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, go to the Slaugham Parish Council Website's home page (, click on the green 'Subscriptions Services' button.
You are then presented with three options, the page will display two blue buttons and at the bottom of the page a form to enter your name and email address. Then select the appropriate blue button and on the page presented to you enter your name and email details in the form which asks for the same information as previously noted.

The date for the last meeting of 2014, which is held at The Pavillion, Handcross at 7:30pm is 1st December.  Members of the public are always welcome to attend.

Debra Logan
Neighbourhood Planning Committee
                  Sue Hance
Chair, Slaugham Parish Council